Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So recenly Jamie has had a fear of loosing her mememory or at least the computer's mememory. Every picture we have ever taken of the kids sits on the Hard Drive on our home computer. Before Emesha was born we printed some of them, but not many. So now there are thousands of pictures on there. Well printing these dang pictures is not cheap. I think Sams or Costco is 18 cents a piece! quick math... .18 x 1000 = way to much for a picture in my mind! Now comes Snapfish... 8 cent photos!! So Jamie had me load a DVD full of all the 'good' pictures (so many garbage shots are taken with didgital cameras) and send it to them to load. We then were able to get a large box full of 1000 pictures mailed to our door. They offer matte or glossy finish and if we want to go back and order bigger or photos for frames, they are all online ready for it. I just had to let everyone know how easy it was!

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