About a month or two ago, I came home to a furious wife. The kid were being forced to time-out crying. The kids had taken the soap in their bathroom down and squirted a few spots on the carpet and broke an 'ear' off of one of the dispensers. (the kids bathroom is jungle animals and there are two soap dispensers. One is a monkey with a bobble head and the other is a Giraffe.) The ear of the Giraffe was broken off but no permanant damage a little super glue could not fix. Jamie was quite upset that they had climbed up on the counter, taken down the dispencers and then made a mess of the carpet. The whole time it took her to clean up the mess (with my help of course) the kids were required to sit in timeout and watch.
Well, Today I came home for lunch. The kids were upstairs playing quietly and Jamie was on the phone. All seemed to be peaceful and in harmony. After I warmed up my lunch and began to eat (the kids still upstairs and jamie on the phone), I began to think "those kids are a little too content up there". At Least three different times I started to go up stairs, but then I would hear the kids and think all was well. Finally, Aiden started to whine, so I went up stairs. They were not in the Toy room where I thought they would be. Mesha's Door was closed and the noice was coming from in there. *(her room is next to the kids bathroom). I opened the door to find a puddle of soap from the broken monkey soap dispenser. They had snaped off the ceramic tail of the monkey that was the pump portion of the dispencer. There was Mesha sitting in the middle of the puddle very proud of her accomplishment and COVERED with liquid hand soap. Aiden was in Mesha's crib with the Giraffe soap squirting it on her bed. I guess the noise he made was to let me know he could not get out of the bed... Don't know. Anyway, I told Jamie to NOT come upstairs because I knew it would lead to a bad day. I carried mesha to the sink and began to wash all the soap off of her. (Luckly she was only in a Diaper) Once she was clean, I took her and Aiden and sat them in Time out and began taking handfulls of soap to the bathroom and began cleaning up. (imagine making a bowl with both hands and having that totally full of soap for a couple of trips.) Of course, Jamie did not stay out and was upset by the situation. I spent a good 20 min soaking the carpet and sucking it up with the shopvac to get the soap out. You would think a one and two year old would hav known better than making a mess! Geez! :)
This happened three days ago (when I started writing this), but as life goes we get busy and have to come back to things at a later time. Jamie and Kids will be in Mesa tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy them while they are there. But I want them back in one piece in two weeks time. Love you all!